The Coding Diaries

A newbie's journey in coding.

Grand Finale: Cookies!

I made it. Final stretch till I am set free into the wild. I hope I have all I need to survive. For my magnum opus, I decided to build a calorie counting app to keep track of how many calories consumes in a day. I’ve used some in the past which have worked out fine, but why do I need it when I can just make my own. And my whole goal when I count calories is to see how much I can indulge myself on cookies at the end of the day, hence the name of the app and title of this post.

Asynchronous JS and Promises

As web applications become more advanced, the coding behind the screen will be loaded with multiple functions to display the webpage. Naturally, coding is completed in a linear fashion, or more specifically, from up to down, left to right. Some of these functions, particularly those gathering data, will take longer than other functions to complete. This can cause a variety of problems, such as slowing down the webpage from displaying or performing actions. If a function relies on another function that is still processing, an error could be thrown causing the application to malfunction or crash.

Notching A Birdie on the JS Course

In the before times, I enjoyed going to the park with my friend to play Frisbee Golf. I’m not good, at all, but I’m too old to play ultimate frisbee so this is the next best thing. Continuing my theme of building projects that I would find useful, I thought an app that rated Frisbee Golf Courses would be fun to tackle.

I Want To Code All Night

Continuing my theme of building web applications that I wish I had in my life, I developed a Rails application that allows bands to keep track of their concerts. Bands will find it easy to log concerts by simply entering the date of the concert, price of admission and selecting a venue. If the venue does not exist in the database, a user can enter the information directly from the new concert web-page.

Shelf - Share Your Collection With The World

I’m an avid book shopper, but not enough book shelves to display them all so many end up being boxed away for a future home. Whenever I go book shopping, I have trouble remembering whether I own a particular book or not. I would always curse myself for not keeping better track, until I vowed to create an app that could keep track of all the books I own.