The Coding Diaries

A newbie's journey in coding.

Above and Beyond for MoviesCLI

For my project, I decided to select an Application Programming Interface (API) that involved movies. Since IMDb is an app that I use frequently, I thought it be fun to build my very own Command Line Interface (CLI) to explore movies with. Fortunately, there was an API available through a similar website, TMDB, that offered information for both films and television shows. It also featured a recommended and similar feature for exploring the data.

Oh My Dreams

When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming an actor or a comedian, like my idols Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. When I got older, I learned how to play guitar and eventually formed a band and my dream was to become a rock and roll star. I even went to college to study music industry. Then my dream changed again and I wanted to be a political writer, dedicated to covering the injustices of the world.